Christmas Trivia for Kids

Christmas Trivia for Kids

Christmas is at long last here! Food, ditties, parties, plum cake, pixie lights, the huge pine tree tidied up with adornments – ah, the delight of the period, there’s nothing very like it! But, that is not all that Christmas is really about, right?


We as a whole realize realities like – ‘December 25th was the day Jesus Christ was conceived’. We know the narrative of the ‘Insightful Men’ and who brings presents for kids each year. In any case, look at the accompanying inquiries to truly test your Christmas trivia for kids random data information!


Fun Christmas Trivia Questions for Kids and Adults


These Christmas incidental data addresses will be a hit at your next occasion get-together. You can pose these inquiries to your little one to fabricate his insight about this delightful celebration too – these Christmas random data questions and answers will make for an incredible game for you and your kid!


  1. Red and Green. The green represents the basic plants and trees of Christmas-time, for example, holly, ivy, mistletoe, etc., while red speaks to the apple that caused the fall of Adam. Aside from this, there is likewise hypothesis that red and green came to be related with Christmas since they were the shades of the screens that isolated the assemblage from the special stepped area.


  1. Although it’s accepted that there were 3 Wise Men, there is no notice in the Bible of the genuine number. Since the shrewd men carried with them 3 presents, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, it was accepted that there were three lords!


  1. Bethlehem, roughly 10 kilometers south of Jerusalem.


  1. A holy messenger, to speak to the Angel Gabriel or a star, representing the Star of David.


  1. St. Nicholas was a Bishop who was stranded as a little youngster yet acquired heaps of riches from his folks. As the legend goes, being the benevolent individual that he was, he would support poor people and appropriate endowments subtly to individuals out of luck.


  1. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen were the first 8 referenced in the sonnet Taws the Night before Christmas’. Rudolph ‘the Red-nosed Reindeer’ and Olive were augmentations to this rundown.


  1. The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present, and The Ghost of Christmas Yet to come and show Ebenezer Scrooge different occasions from the Christmases he’s spent!


  1. Tinsel.


  1. Written by Clement Clarke Moore, the sonnet is all the more regularly known as Taws the Night before Christmas’.


  1. The first tree is accepted to have been set up in Germany, offering ascend to a much-adored convention!


  1. Advent is seen on the four Sundays before Christmas, and in Latin, it signifies ‘coming’. It’s a period for hanging tight and getting ready for the happening to Jesus.


  1. Edward H. Johnson, a partner of the innovator, Thomas Edison, made the primary line of Christmas lights. They picked up prominence and were utilized by organizations to embellish their windows, but since they were esteemed costly, it was simply after 1930 that electric lights began supplanting candles as Christmas enrichments in family units.


  1. It is accepted that a blessed messenger of the Lord showed up before the shepherds and reported to them the introduction of Baby Jesus, ‘enclosed by fabrics and lying in a trough’.


  1. In American, British, Irish and other such societies, a Christmas mythical being is viewed as Santa’s partner, helping him with the organizations of the North Pole!


  1. Mulled wine. Otherwise called ‘spiced wine’, this refreshment is made by warming wine over a fire and including different flavors, citrus organic products, and even raisins. It is served warm.


  1. Feliz Navidad!


  1. “Silent night, sacred night, everything is quiet, everything is splendid… “


  1. True! Mrs. Santa Clause Claus is known to deal with the mythical beings, get ready delightful Christmas treats, and help Santa Claus wrap presents.


  1. Mistletoe! Old societies accepted that the mistletoe plant was a sexual enhancer, and that it advanced imperativeness and ripeness!


  1. The Grinch!


How fun was that? On the off chance that you figured out how to score 15 out of 20, very much done! That is an incredible Christmas random data information, and you positively can challenge to be a Christmas mythical person, if at any time the need opens up! Furthermore, don’t you fret in the event that you didn’t find all the solutions; time to review your insight with your preferred Christmas stories and motion pictures spread out prepared for these special seasons!




  • Which are the customary shades of Christmas?


  • How many ‘Insightful Men’ were there and what blessings did they carry with them?


  • Which nation was Jesus conceived in?


  • What’s the most mainstream trimming that is set on head of the Christmas tree?


  • Who is the man behind the account of ‘Santa Clause Claus’?


  • Name Santa’s unique reindeer (Nope, Rudolph isn’t one of them!)!


  • Who are the 3 apparitions in the mainstream Christmas story, ‘A Christmas Carol’?


  • What is the gleaming material used to enrich Christmas trees called?


  • What’s the sonnet ‘A Visit from St. Nicholas’ all the more usually known as?


  • Where was the principal Christmas tree put up to give us the regular custom that it is today?


  • What is the period paving the way to Christmas called?


  • Who made the absolute first electrically enlightened Christmas tree?


  • How did the shepherds, who visited Jesus upon the arrival of His introduction to the world, realize where to discover Him?


  • According to a well-known Seuss book, this character takes Christmas. Who are we discussing?


  • What are Santa’s little assistants called? (Insight: One is said to sit on the rack!)


  • What mixed drink is most usually expended during Christmas season? (Indication: It has a great deal of heavenly included flavors!)


  • How do you say ‘Joyful Christmas’ in Spanish?


  • Complete the accompanying Christmas hymn: “Quiet night, blessed night, everything is _______, everything is ______”


  • True or bogus: There is a Mrs. Santa Clause Claus.


  • Which Christmas enhancement accompanies a custom of individuals kissing when they are remaining under it?