Challenges About Essay Writing and How to Face Them 

Challenges About Essay Writing and How to Face Them 

Essay writing is one of the most challenging assignments for any student. It takes research and needs excellent writing skills to present a high-quality essay. Thus, students often seek essay writing help from service providers online. Moreover, you can get immediate assistance from experts at online essay or speech writing services.  

Furthermore, it helps you get more excellent results in your essay homework. Below are the challenges of essay writing and how you can face them effectively.   

Challenges Students Face with Essay Writing Homework  

1. Insufficient Knowledge of the Topi 

Students in universities often face the face of insufficient expertise whenever they are assigned essay writing homework. In most cases, you’re not given the freedom to choose your own topic. Thus, it is not uncommon for students to get a topic they have little to no knowledge of.  

2. Writer’s Block  

Writer’s block is a named phenomenon where the individual cannot think creatively or continue the story. Students and everyone who writes face writer’s block every once in a while. Hence, it becomes a significant issue when writing an essay of high value.   

3. Time Management  

Time management is already a challenging task for students in itself. Add assignments, deadlines, essays, and speeches to that. You will have no time to manage. Essays take up much time with research, writing, proofreading, corrections, etc. Therefore, students seek essay writing help whenever they face time constraints or have short deadlines.  

4. Problematic Structure  

Properly structured sentences are an essential part of an essay. Students who have English as their second language often find it challenging to give structure to their sentences. Besides that, it is also necessary to follow a specific format for your entire essay. Therefore, you must be clear and informative throughout the essay and deliver structured homework.  

5. Fear of Plagiarism  

Plagiarism is the act of copying someone else’s work and giving it your own name. This is a heinous crime in the eyes of universities and can cause real trouble if caught. Many students mistake plagiarizing content from google and Wikipedia and forget to mention the citations. This is why essay and speech writing services heavily focus on checking for plagiarism in their content.  

How to Face the Challenges of Essay Writing  

1. Use Google Scholars  

Google Scholar is one of the best places for your research work. The search engine is entirely dedicated to students and helps the student get easier access to study materials. Furthermore, you can get examples and previous work of famed authors with the help of google Scholar. Therefore, if you lack knowledge of the topic, you should conduct your research on google Scholar rather than google.  

2. Find Your Song  

Compose your writing like you will compose a song. Add beats, add music, then give it a soul with your lyrics. Your essay should start slow, have meaning, and, most important, should connect with the audience. Therefore, in more straightforward terms, find your essay’s flow and add a bucket of information to it.  

3. Look at a Tree  

What do you see when you look at a tree? A bunch of leaves attached to a big piece of wood. Right? In reality, the leaves, the stems, the branches, the wood, and the roots are all interconnected to each other. Giving strength and life to each other. Well, your essay should be like a tree. Your start should be like the leaves that attract your reader. Your points should be connected to them and guide the reader to the trunk, the meat of the essay. Your trunk should be information rich and should include solid facts. Then your conclusion, the roots of your essay. Make it so strong that the whole tree can stand tall, even in complex situations.  

4. Ask for Help  

If you lack time to write a high-quality essay or have other commitments, it would be impossible to write one. Then you can seek essay writing help online. Many service providers, such as TutorBin and Bartleby, offers excellent essay writing services to provide students with high-quality information-rich essay on time.  


Finally, I hope the above points can help you write a fantastic essay. Essays are complicated assignments and can sometimes be pretty complex to attempt. Therefore, you must seek help whenever needed, or you can go out and look at a tree. Moreover, if you still feel nervous about your essay then you can get help from subject matter experts by seeking essay writing help online. 

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