CBC Test – Why is it Important and How Often You Should Get it Checked?

CBC Test – Why is it Important and How Often You Should Get it Checked?

The CBC (complete blood count) test is one of the most common lab tests that doctors order. This test can tell you about your overall health, and knowing what the results mean is important. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of CBC testing and how often you should get it checked. We will also discuss the cost of CBC testing and how to prepare for the test.

Let’s get started.

An Overview of CBC Test

A Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test is a common blood test that screens for and diagnoses many different medical conditions. It can help to identify problems with the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in your blood. This test is important because it can help detect early signs of health problems. If you want to get your diagnosis as early as possible, it is crucial to get it done from a reputed path lab. 

Reasons Why the CBC Test is Done?

Mentioned below are the reasons for a complete blood count test: 

  • To check your overall health

The CBC test is done as a part of a routine checkup to evaluate your general health. The test can also give your doctor important clues about your health, even when you feel fine.

  • To help diagnose underlying medical conditions

Your doctor may recommend a CBC test if you have signs and symptoms of disorders of your blood cells. The CBC test cost in India starts from Rs.200.

  • To monitor a medical condition

Suppose you have been diagnosed with a blood disorder or another medical condition. In that case, your doctor may recommend CBC tests regularly to check your situation and see how well your treatment is working.

  • To monitor a medical treatment

If you’re being treated for a blood disorder or another medical condition, your doctor may recommend CBC tests to check your condition and see how well your treatment works.

What Can You Expect?

When you go in for a CBC test, a health care professional will take a small blood sample. It will be sent to a laboratory for analysis.

The results of your CBC test will provide your healthcare team with important information about the following:

  • The total count of red blood cells 
  • The haemoglobin and hematocrit levels in your blood
  • The size, shape, and maturity of your red blood cells
  • The number of white blood cells you have
  • The percentage of each type of white blood cell you have
  • Platelet count

Based on the results of your CBC test, your health care team can better understand your overall health and whether or not you have an infection or a blood disorder.

The Bottom Line

The CBC test is crucial because it can give your doctor information about your overall health and help diagnose any underlying medical conditions. You should get it checked at least once a year, but more often if you have any concerns or are experiencing symptoms. The CBC test is relatively inexpensive and easy to get, so there’s no reason not to get it done. Go by your doctor’s advice on this.