Buying Expensive Phone At An Affordable Price

When it comes to phones, there are new phones released almost every month. But when it comes to the iPhone, new phones come out once a year, and all the fans look forward to it. These state-of-the-art phones tend to be on the exclusive side too. New models are released only once a year. As maybe just two or three variations of the same model are released only once a year, increasing their exclusivity. While it is true that they are worth every penny spent on them, not everyone can afford it. This is where the Refurbished iPhone comes into play. This is also a better option compared to pre-used or pre owned phones. But at the same, it does not have the damages and wear and tear of second-hand phones.
What is a Refurbished iPhone?
Refurbished phones in their essence are second-hand or pre owned phones. While not many would prefer second-hand phones due to possible damages, especially those that may be hidden before being sold. But this is not the case with Refurbished iPhones. When a perused phone is sold to a certified refurbishing centre, it is never resold as it is. There is a lot of work that goes into Refurbished iPhones before they are put up for sale again.
How Phones are Refurbished:
- The very first thing that is done is to look for any damage to the hardware. From the screen, the frame, the back, and the internal hardware are all thoroughly checked first.
- If any of this is found to be damaged, it is replaced with brand new hardware. Be it screen, frame or internal hardware, it is usually replaced with original hardware.
- Once this is done the insides of the phones are thoroughly cleaned. The minor dirt that is accrued inside the phones and other gadgets are what shortens its life.
- Another important step that goes into preparing Refurbished iPhones for is a thorough software diagnostics. This is done to check for the latest updates. Additionally this also is done to spot any viruses that may be present. All of this is usually cleared and the latest updates are installed.
- The very final step usually is to clean the outside of the iPhones and to make them look as good as new. This is important not only due to the pandemic. This step is important as it cleans the outer surface of these phones of any germs, bacteria or viruses.
How is a Refurbished iPhone different from a second-hand phone?
A Refurbished iPhone is not only different from a second-hand phone it is in fact better. A second-hand phone is simply one that has been used by someone else and then is sold as is, with all its damages and wear and tear. But with a refurbished iPhone, any previous damages are repaired. New hardware and software are installed as needed. It is true that the moment a phone has been unboxed, its value naturally reduces. At this point it does not matter how long it has been in use for. Furthermore, second-hand phones do not come with their boxes. When buying new or used phones, it is always preferable to buy one with the original box intact as it significantly increases its value and also means that it comes with all the original components. Second-hand phones rarely come in their original boxes. But with Refurbished iPhones, a certified refurbishing centre will not accept any phones that are sold without the original box.
What Are the Benefits of Buying a Refurbished iPhone?
There are a multitude of benefits to buying a refurbished iPhone as compared to a second-hand or pre owned iPhone. Second-hand and pre-used phones, if not damaged, will still have the wear and tear of previous usage. A second-hand phone will have reduced performance, it may also be slower. It is a possibility depending on the model that the hardware could be beyond its lifespan.
Benefits of buying a Refurbished iPhone
- Hardware – The hardware for refurbished phones is usually replaced when old. And it is also repaired if needed. As such the lifespan of the phone’s hardware is increased.
- Software – With refurbished phones, the necessary and latest software updates are done. Making the phone as good as new.
- Warranty – The warranty for refurbished phones usually extended from 3 months up to multiple years. As there is new and latest hardware installed, the warranty is extended by a few years.
- Cost – Refurbished iPhones are much cheaper than buying a new phone of the same model. As it is, in its essence, an updated second-hand phone. Therefore, it comes with the benefits of a new phone with an affordable price.
- Performance – Due to the software as well hardware updates, the phones performance increased. The phone’s performance will not be slow or that of a used phone. The performance may even be better than a new phone at times due to the upgrades.
- Brand – When a phone of a good and trustworthy brand is needed, the price for it has to be paid. But with refurbished iPhones, one can get their state-the-art phones at an affordable price. With refurbished phones, it is now possible to have the desired brand at a much affordable price.
- Lifespan – Refurbishing the phone increases its lifespan by a minimum of 3 up to 7 years.
Environmental Impact
Not many people are aware of what happens to the phones and other electronic gadgets once they are disposed of. These electronic gadgets usually end up in landfills. This is very dangerous to the environment. Along with harming the environment it is also dangerous to humans and any other living creatures around the area. Typically, what happens is, when these electronic gadgets begin to decompose, they release dangerous toxins into the ground. These toxins get into the groundwater and are dangerous to drink from. Human beings and animals alike will be affected by drinking this water. These toxins in the ground will destroy the nature around them. By destroying nature, trees and plants the habitat of multiple species of animals are without a doubt, destroyed as well. These animals end up dying by consuming this toxic water. Furthermore, many birds and as well as land animals are attracted to the landfills due to food items that are disposed of. As such they consume micro plastic and other stuff that endanger their lives.