Things That Come under the Criteria for Approval of Business Loans

Things That Come under the Criteria for Approval of Business Loans

Even if you are applying for a small business loan, there is no guarantee that you will be signed off on. Funding your business is not like funding a small unforeseen expenditure. When you need to borrow money for an emergency, lenders look at your repaying capacity.

Since the amount is not too big, so they do not worry about the risk involved. A poor credit score may not come in the way of approval because some lenders do not mind signing off on a cash loan with bad credit, but when you are to borrow money for your business, it involves a huge risk on the part of the lender.

It may not be easy for them to approve your application. There are so many things that a lender needs to look at to decide whether it will be worth it.

Common criteria for small business loan approval

Although every lender follows a different policy, the basic criteria will be the same. The following are the requirements you will likely meet to get your business loan approved without any complications:

You should have a good credit score

You are not borrowing money to tide over during an emergency. You are rather borrowing money for your business. No lender will lend you money if you do not have a good credit history. It involves a huge risk. In case of bad credit, there are higher chances of making a default.

This is why lenders would like to approve your application only if you have a good credit rating. A stellar credit file shows that you have never made default, and hence it will not be that risky to lend you money.



Note that a lender can take into account a personal credit score or business credit score, or both. If you have already an established business, your business credit score will play an intrinsic role in deciding whether your application should be approved.

However, if you are a start-up, the lender will make a decision based on your personal credit history. Make sure that your credit report is up to snuff, so you do not have any problem having your application approved.



However, some online lenders can provide you with alternatives if your application is turned down because of a poor credit score, for instance, bad credit loans. Though direct lenders can provide you with these alternatives, it does not mean that they will not check your repaying capacity.

These loans will not let you borrow as much as business loans, of course, because of poor credit rating, but if your lender finds that you cannot afford to pay back these loans, too, your application will be completely rejected.

Time spent in business

Just because your credit score is excellent does not mean that you can easily get the loan approved. A lender will also notice the time spent in your business. Lenders do not approve the application from new business owners.

You should have spent at least two years in your business if you want to apply for a business loan. However, it is not set in stone. Some lenders will likely approve your application if you prove that you have the potential to make business and pay off the debt. However, if you do not get approval for these loans, you can seek other alternatives like loans for the self employed.

A business plan

A business plan is a must to get approval for a business loan, especially if you are a start-up. A lender would like to know whether you have the potential to grow because they want their money back. They would never like to invest in a risky deal.

Make sure that you have a business plan that particularly covers your mission. You should be able to tell your lender how you are going to invest the borrowing money, what benefits you will likely get from this investment and other related things that prove that your project will definitely shoo-in.