Are Elf Bars Bad For You?

Are Elf Bars Bad For You?

Simply put, No Elf Bars are not bad for your health as they do not contain cancer-causing agents in their e-liquids. When it comes to vapes, every person has their own perspective; some assume that vapes are the best alternative to cigarettes, while others may say that the devices are not good. 


Several health organisations, such as the NHS and the Royal College Of Physicians, have given their remarks on vaping devices, and according to them: “Vapes are 95% safer than cigarettes, and they effectively help you in smoking quitting” 

Comparison Between Vapes And Cigarettes:

The guide will give you a small comparison between vapes and cigarettes. After reading it, you will understand why vapes are better than cigarettes and why switching to vaping is helpful in quitting smoking!

  • Cigarette Contains Menacing Chemicals:

Do you know an average cigarette contains about 7000 life-threatening chemicals? When these chemicals get combusted along tobacco and go inside your body, they create cancer-causing agents. In addition, it increases the risk of stok and heart attack in the body. 


Cigarette smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and leukaemia. When you lit a cigarette, you inhale carbon monoxide and tar, which deteriorate your lungs and other organs. Smoking never shows its consequences abruptly; rather, it gradually affects your health. 

  • Vapes Carry E-liquid And No Tobacco:

Vapes are slightly different from cigarettes. Unlike cigarettes, vape devices do not combust tobacco. Instead, they heat e-liquids. A vape device consists of a coil, battery and e-liquid. These are the essential components for any vape device, whether it’s a smart and sleek, easy-to-use, elf bar disposable vape or highly intricated mod vape. 


The battery powers the coil, and when e-liquid goes inside your device, they get heated through a coil. When e-liquids get heated, they turn into inhalable vapours. The vapours of a vape device are not as harmful as cigarette smoke. 

  • Second Hand Smoke Is Perilous:

The smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette and that a smoker exhales is known as secondhand smoke or passive smoke. When smokers take a puff from their cigarette, they inhale carbon monoxide, which badly damages their lungs. Passive smoke is as harmful to others as it is to smokers. 


People often smoke in private places, thinking it is alright to smoke when no one is around. But they don’t know that smoking particle lingers over the surface for a longer period. So if you think that smoking privately will not affect anyone, you may be wrong! 

There Is No Such Harm As Secondhand Smoke:

The best thing about vapes is that they do not produce second smoke like cigarettes. Although they do produce vapours, they are less detrimental. Moreover, they do not give a foul smell like smoke. E-liquids contain fruity and refreshing minty flavours, which create a mesmerising scent when turned into vapours. 

Elf Bar Gives You Innovative, Secure And Impeccable Vapes:

Established in 2018, Elf Bar has come a long way. The brand is known for its state-of-the-art and highly innovative disposable vape devices. Over the years, Elf bar has created some of the best vape devices


Every device from Elf Bar comes with unique and distinctive features. The best part about the Elf bar 600 devices is that they are super convenient and simple to use. They are non-intricated and less perpetual. 


Unfortunately, some media platforms are spreading rumours about Elf bars. They claim that Elf bars are not safe for consumption, which is absolutely not true. Elf bars are less toxicant than cigarettes. Some harms are involved with every vaping device; still, they are better than tobacco cigarettes!