Acne: What is It, the Causes & Treatments

Acne: What is It, the Causes & Treatments

Acne is a common type of skin condition that triggers spots on the face, neck, back or even chest. These spots may be whiteheads, blackheads or even inflamed, pus-filled pimples. You can certainly find out effective acne treatment in india that help you get rid of it and get a smoother and cleaner skin.

This condition affects people of all ages, but it is most prevalent in teenagers and even young adults. It is characterized by the presence of pimples, even blackheads, whiteheads, and other sorts of blemishes on the skin.  

The common Causes of Acne

Acne is triggered by bacteria that can grow within the pores of the skin when they become blocked. These bacteria can generate substances that damage the skin, heading to a build-up of dead skin cells and bacteria and that can then form a pimple or even nodule in the skin.

Once androgen hormones cause too much oil to simply be produced in pores in the face, neck, chest and even shoulders, the pores can turn out to be blocked. Androgen levels increase both in boys and even girls during puberty. This is why many teenagers have extensive acne while younger children do not. Similarly , girls reach puberty earlier than that of boys and so may develop acne at a younger age in comparison to boys.

Acne is just caused by a hormone imbalance in a small minority of people. There are, however, some sort of health conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Stress may even lead to an increase in hormones, making someone more vulnerable to developing acne. There can be manifold reasons of acne and some of them will be discussed somewhat elaborately in this post. After all, once you know the causes, you can deal with them in a better and more enhanced manner.

Hormonal changes 

Acne is most of the times caused by hormonal changes in the body. This is why teenagers are more vulnerable to acne than adults. Hormonal changes during the time of puberty can trigger the sebaceous glands to generate more oil that can clog the pores and even lead to the development of acne.

Your Poor diet 

A diet high in sugar and processed foods may play a role or contribute to the development of acne. These foods can trigger inflammation in the body that can lead to the development of acne. You have to work on your diet because it could be triggering acnes for your skin.


Now, this type of acne can be inherited. If your parents had or experienced acne, you are more probable to develop it too. So, sometimes, it is not you that may be causing the acne but your genetics.

Massive Stress 

You know stress can also trigger acne. When you are stressed, your body generates more cortisol and that can trigger the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. These days, most of the people are a victim of much stress. And they do not realise that it is causing them skin issues like acne and more. So, once you curtail or control your stress levels, you censure a better and smoother skin.

Role of Environmental factors 

Exposure to certain chemicals and even pollutants can also play a role or contribute to the development of acne. Of course, if you are always in the environment that is massively polluted, it could adversely hit your skin.

Treatment of Acne

There are many home made and other treatments too that can help you with your acne issues. Anyhow, some of the prominent ones are like:

Topical treatments 

Topical treatments like creams, gels, and even lotions can be used to treat the issue of acne. These treatments include the ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, even salicylic acid, and retinoids that can help to unclog pores and even diminish inflammation.

Oral medications 

Oral medications like antibiotics and isotretinoin can get used to treat acne. Antibiotics can aid to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria that trigger acne. Isotretinoin is a robust type of medication that is used to treat extreme acne.

Chemical peels 

There are also chemical peels that can be used to treat the problem of acne. This treatment involves applying a chemical solution to your skin and it causes the top layer of skin to peel off. This can help you to unclog pores and reduce the overall appearance of acne.

Light and laser therapy 

Then there is also light therapy that can be used to treat acne. This treatment includes exposing the skin to diverse types of light that can kill bacteria and diminish inflammation. Moreover, laser treatment for your acne scarring uses a procedure known as laser resurfacing to simply help revitalize acne-damage skin. Making use of a specially type of designed wand, your aesthetic care provider exposes your skin to simply gentle type of laser energy that is standardized particularly for this purpose.

The laser energy gently as well as safely removes the top layer of your skin. Not just does this process eliminate some of your scarred skin, but even it stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that is discovered naturally in healthy skin. As collagen grows , your skin looks fresher, plumper, smoother, and more attractive. Your appearance enhances as scars become less visible.

Lifestyle alterations 

Then making certain lifestyle changes can even help to prevent and treat the issue of acne. Such are the changes like:

  • Washing your face two times in a day with a gentle cleanser.
  • Using non-comedogenic makeup and even skincare products.
  • Getting sufficient sleep.
  • Avoiding oily as well as greasy foods.
  • Drinking plenty of water to simply keep your skin hydrated.
  • Exercising regularly to reduce overall stress.
  • Evading touching your face.
  • Guarding your skin against the sun.


To sum up, it is true that acne is a common skin condition that can be absolutely frustrating and embarrassing. The great news is that there are numerous treatments available to help manage and even avert acne.  You can make sure that you experience acne marks removal with the right treatment.