A High-Quality Landing Page SEO Guide

The old joke goes: “The best place to hide a corpse is on the second page of Google.” Do yourself a favour and google any term. It will come up with at least one million results. Each of those million places wants to be on the first page in the top three spots. Yes, the competition is that fierce in this cutthroat race. Anything goes, so you will need all the help you can get. Grabbing your customer’s attention in the first second ensures that he does not close the tab in the next one.
1. KW and CTA
More than just fancy acronyms keywords and call to action serve as guidelines for your landing page and overall site design. Keywords (KW) are what your custom search. And when they do, you want to be the name that comes up on top. Putting these keywords on your landing page and organically placing them at least five times, ensure that the term gets associated with you.
Your users want to get a clear message of what you are. It won’t hurt to include a keyword in your URL as well. Then comes a Call to Action (CTA) plastered with a bright spotlight. This drives engagement from your users and ensures that they start investing their time in your product. From directly designed buttons with clear functions to banners and highlights, you can use any form that’s best suited for your site.
2. Multimedia content
A white page with some letters can hardly do the trick. What separates the successful from the rest is graphic design? Precisely, multimedia content design. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so any investment in that area pays for itself multiple times. If your graphic content is not gripping from the first time your users lay their eyes on it, you can have the best content in the world and it won’t matter. Gifs, scrolling images, sidebars and others make your site come to life.
Dosing interaction along the page makes for an engaging, interactive time while your potential users navigate around. Videos make for great SEO and landing page material. With them, you can link your YouTube channel and help him grow, and you can do a quick presentation for your audience. Don’t feature full-length movies that go in depth about your service. Short, to two minutes catchy presentations do the trick just fine. Time is money, and you don’t want to waste any of your customers.
3. A bit of assistance
There’s no shame in admitting you need help or want the best bang for your buck. Entire college courses exist regarding SEO, page optimisation, site design and other areas you sorely need. Realistically, while you can find it all online and become a self-taught guru, you can speed things up by hiring SEO agencies in Sydney to help move matters along.
Experience, practical know-how, and sheer manpower readily available for any task don’t magically appear overnight. When doing things by yourself, you get to keep all the praise and glory, but you are also the sole person to blame when things go wrong. Putting all the costs on paper may help you in realistically assessing how profitable outsourcing in this area may be. In the end, you will see that it’s well worth it.
4. Real customer review
What adds to the legitimacy of any place, real life or virtual? Take, for example, restaurants, as they too have websites. Would you go to some restaurant that you randomly found? Or would you go to a place that your close friend or relative recommended? Now apply that logic to your site. Word of mouth recommendation is priceless, and you should utilise your existing resources. Chances are you already have existing customers that are happy with your product and/or service.
All you have to do is ask them to post their review online, anywhere, and you can include it on your landing page. This adds credibility, assurance, and that human touch that’s lacking in other places. People respond to real, human-made content, and your landing page should serve as a presentation of your past successes so that you may continue to gain future ones as well.
5. Power of colours
This advice goes hand in hand with your multimedia choices. Colours affect human behaviour and emotions. Countless scientific papers have proven that, and you should utilise this knowledge to your advantage. Some examples include red, yellow and orange as appetising, which you can see by visiting any food-related companies. Blue and green are soothing and nature related products. White is usually associated with tourism as it entices freedom and an open mind. Your logo can be the starting point for when you want to design on a pallet choice. Speaking of logos, it deserves its segment.
6. The power of logos
Don’t think of your logo as just a plain picture that’s included on your landing page. It can be so much more. For example, it can be interactive and serve as an anchor, a returning point for your users to always come back. Make it stick to the header so that it’s always visible. This way, your users are reminded of where they are, and you get brand recognition. Your logo can also serve as a start to open dropdown menus, have gif animation tied to it, etc. Your creativity is the limit when it comes to what functions you can pack inside your logo.
Embarking on any new adventure seems daunting at first. With plenty of hurdles, a mountain of information and seemingly invisible pitfalls, newcomers are easily deterrent. But, the best and most important step you can make is to get started. That first step towards any meaningful change can make all the difference in the world. Bit by bit, step by step, you will be able to see the fruits of your labour manifest before your very eyes. On the road to success, your pace should be a marathon and not a sprint. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.