Breathing Exercise for Meditation


A “Relaxing Breathing Exercise” is another name for it.


It helps you sleep better. It is based on the ancient Indian discipline of “pranayama,” which means “breath regulation.” Well, a big proponent of holistic breathing calls it “a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.”


The body gets calmed and relaxed as a result of this workout. As we continue, our bodies go into a profound state of relaxation, and we finally fall asleep. It is also said that it aids in the faster and more effective evacuation of carbon dioxide from the body, which aids in the body’s appropriate pH balance, so these breathing exercises are always suggested Yogi times.


Steps to take:


Sit with your knees folded or your legs crossed and your back straight.


Begin by taking a few deep breaths.


Count 1-2 when inhaling and double count when expelling, i.e., 1-2-3-4. As a result, the exhale period should be at least twice as long as the inhaling period.


As your sleep progresses, increase the length of your breaths and settle into deep breathing.


Sleep breathing techniques


The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique entails the following steps:


It’s another approach to completely relax your body so you can get a better night’s sleep.


Steps to take:


Sit with your knees folded and your back straight.


Exhale through your mouth by placing the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth. Make a whooshing sound with your hands.


Close your lips and inhale through it, counting your breaths until you reach four.


Please keep it in your mouth until the countdown is complete.


Exhale through your mouth in the same manner as you did previously.


This cycle should be repeated 4-6 times before retiring to sleep and once throughout the day. To achieve the most outstanding results, repeat for 2-3 months.


pranayama (breathing exercises)


Breathing via the nose alternately:


In Sanskrit, it’s called Nadi Shodhana Prayanama. It is incredibly beneficial to expel bad energy from your body, and you can have a good night’s sleep as a result.


Steps to take:


1.Place your thumb on one nostril and your middle finger on the other nostril with the same hand.


2.Inhale through one nostril and exhale through the other, then seal the nostril you breathed through and exhale through the other.


It should be done seven times.


This is the most effective method for balancing your chakras or energy.


breath of a hummingbird


Breath of the Humming Bee:


Bhramari Pranayama is the name given to this technique. During this breathing exercise, you will produce a buzzing sound.


Steps to take:


Slowly and thoroughly inhale through your nose.


Exhale gently, making a humming sound with your throat as you do so.


You may intensify the impact by closing your ears with your index fingers.


Focus entirely on the buzzing sound.


This will empty your thoughts and allow you to sleep soundly.


savasana (corpse pose)


Body Scanning/Breathing Visualization Exercise:


This exercise uses your imagination to help you picture your body.


Steps to take:


Assume that the breath you’re inhaling is easily flowing via your nose to your complete body.


From your fingers to your toes and around your body.


Also, imagine your entire body, from your toes to your head, lying comfortably on a bed or the floor.


This activity activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which lowers blood pressure and relaxes your body, allowing you to sleep.


breathing from the stomach


Breathing from the abdomen:


Rather than breathing simply via the chest, it entails breathing profoundly through the belly.


Steps to take:


Lie down on your back with your legs straight. Allow your body to relax while facing upwards.


To monitor your breathing, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.


Begin by inhaling deeply.


To relax your body, concentrate on filling your stomach with air and thoroughly exhaling.


This activity relaxes your body and helps you go asleep.




Breathing Mantras:


You might add a mantra to your abdominal breathing technique once you’ve mastered it to create calmness.


Steps to take:


Lay down in a comfortable position.


Slowly inhale and exhale through your abdomen.


Say simple mantras like “OM” as you exhale.


You can fall asleep in 15-20 minutes if you use this strategy.


So, try these exercises to get rid of insomnia and have a good night’s sleep!