5 Tips For An Elevated Interior Design For Your Home

5 Tips For An Elevated Interior Design For Your Home

Home interior is one of the key components of having a home. It makes a space look complete, sets the overall tone, and creates a lasting impression on your guests. Because it is an important part of creating a comfortable and beautiful space to live in, it is also important to give your home interior the best of your efforts.

From your choice of furniture to different hardware, each element that you put can make or break the look of your home. So, it is important to get it right to be able to make your place look coherent and appealing to the eyes. Who wouldn’t want to go home to a space where you feel proud, anyway?

If creativity is not your strong suit, you might find yourself scrolling on Instagram and seeing well-decorated homes. Take as an inspiration for you to start elevating the look of your home. 

Your home interior should be about expressing your personality and lifestyle through it, so it should be something that is personal to you. But, with a few tips and tricks, your journey to a beautified will be easier. 

Here are some quick tips to make your home Instagram-ready:

Focus on the Lighting

When it comes to making a space look Instagrammable, lighting is one a focal point to be kept in mind. Not only does it make photos flattering for you but it also does a good job in setting the ambiance in your home. Good lighting can also make your space look bigger, lighter, and airier – these are all good points to keep your guests coming back as it gives a more welcoming feel.

If natural lighting is not possible for your space, mood lighting can be your best bet. With dimmable lights, you customize the vibe of your home and make it feel loungy any time of the day. This also helps you relax better after a day at work.

Invest in Statement Furniture

When in doubt, always opt for a piece of statement furniture. This is especially true if you are someone who is new to the fundamentals of design and might be a little scared to go a little crazy. With statement furniture pieces, you don’t have to spend too much time deciding what to do with your floors, walls, or other decors. The furniture will do the job of upgrading your home swiftly.

You can look into big and comfy couches, well-built tables and cabinets, or decorative light fixtures. This way, not only are your furniture pieces functional but they can also be fashionable. This is also one way to save on money, especially since home interior can be financially intimidating.

Add an Appealing Floor Accent

This might be something you don’t realize at the onset but the floors in your home contribute greatly to the overall look of your space. It can make your home look old, modern, classy, or even give an illusion of its actual size. This is because your floors take up the most space in your home. Therefore, attention to how your floor will look and make your space look tied together is needed.

If you want to make your home interior look more homey, warm, and lived in, rugs are the way to go. Rugs come in different colors, patterns, and textures, so they work well in making your home more personalized too. One way of incorporating rugs in your home is also to change them up as seasons change as well. Go former warm colors during Fall, neutral and light colors during Summers, or even go festive during Christmas. 

Get Some Greeneries

One of the most popular Instagram trends today in home decoration is going ‘natural’ with the elements. From using wood materials in furniture to using neutral colors like brown, white, and beige, it makes any home look fresh and cozy at any time of the year. And what better way to embrace the ‘natural’ aesthetic in your home than getting some greeneries in it?

Using flowers and plants as decorative pieces in your home can easily elevate the look of your space. They serve as a great addition to balance everything and make your home look more inviting. Plants also give a good amount of oxygen that improves the air circulation in a room. On top of that, the color green is also proven to be a relaxing color to look at and can relieve stress. That’s like free therapy for you!

Emphasize the Colors

Colors are central to design. It can be used to express something or optimize the look of something. And so, with the right choice of colors, your home can look aesthetically pleasing and Instagram-ready right off the bat. Making the colors coherent is the best way to utilize colors – this makes your interior look put together and artistic.

When it comes to colors, you can either opt for a minimalist color palette where you play with one color in different hues – black and brown are perfect for this. If you want to be a bit more expressive and use more colors, feel free to do so. You can make your space still look consistent by enforcing some main colors in your palette. This way, your interior can look colorful and neat at the same time.

Keep Things Organized

What good is a well-decorated space when it is far from being organized? Regardless of the furniture and other decorative pieces you put in your home, it is important to remain organized at all times. Small practices like getting rid of unnecessary trinkets on your coffee table or constantly cleaning your shelving units can do so much to the overall look of your home.

At the end of the day, a well-kept and tidy house is what is always appealing and pleasing not only for your guests but for you as well. Keeping an organized home can impact your mood and productivity. So, workdays might be tiring and taxing to your energy, but make it a habit to keep your home orderly as much as you can.

Key Takeaway 

Home interior can be intimidating to tackle especially when you lack knowledge of art and design. And just like what you think, Instagram is a good way to get inspirations that can help you in elevating your home into a space that you would feel confident about. With simple reminders that are easy to remember, you can make the home interior photos you see on Instagram come to life through your own space.

By focusing on the lighting, investing in statement furniture, adding a floor accent, getting some plants, emphasizing colors, and keeping things organized, you will be on your way to an Instagram-ready home. Consider this a treat not only for you but for the rest of your loved ones to enjoy in the long haul.