5 Things You Can Do Instead of Giving into Overeating

Everyone loves a good snack. Stress eating can be healthy in small doses. However, overeating can become a serious problem.

It’s not a healthy way of managing stress in the long run. You’ll need a better solution. You have the power to stop overeating.

Here are five ways you can avoid overeating.

  1. Avoid Shopping

Don’t buy unhealthy snacks. If you don’t have candy in your pantry, you won’t be able to binge on it.

Don’t go to the grocery store when you are hungry. If it helps, use a delivery service. Have your groceries delivered and only order what you need.

Tell a friend that you’re struggling with overeating. See about asking them to go shopping for you. A good friend will help you and only buy healthy foods.

Find an activity to do when you feel the urge to shop for unhealthy food. Go for a walk or listen to music.

Walk instead of drive to the grocery store. You won’t be able to carry as much if you walk. You’ll also get in a bit of exercise, which means you can eat more.

Shop at healthy food shops.

  1. Preparing

You will need to eat, so be prepared.

If you like to smoke weed, have healthy snacks on hand.

Smoking could be the culprit behind your overeating. Weed is infamous for bringing on the munchies. Here’s an article from Veriheal that explains why.

That doesn’t mean you have to stop smoking altogether.

You just have to plan better.

Have snacks ready before you start smoking.

Once you’re high, you won’t want to cook or prepare snacks. If you need to, hide your junk food. You probably won’t be able to find it while you’re high.

If you overeat because of stress, come up with a backup plan.

Discover what triggers binge eating so you can avoid these situations. If you can’t avoid them, find an alternative reaction.

You can’t plan for everything, but you can plan for almost anything.

  1. Healthy Snacks

Moderation is key to a balanced diet.

Don’t try to quit junk food all at once. Cut things out gradually.

Start by removing something that’s easy for you to do without. Maybe stop drinking sodas or other sugary drinks. Then remove candy from your diet, and  after that, cut out chips.

Whenever you cut something out, add something healthy.

Don’t forget to reward yourself every once in a while. It’s ok to treat yourself for special occasions. Every time you reach a goal, treat yourself to a nice night out.

Find restaurants that have healthy options. Asks for dietary information from the wait staff. They should be able to tell you what’s in the food.

Cooking your own food is healthier than eating out.

It lets you control what you are putting in your food. Most restaurants put too much salt or sugar in their food. Cooking is also good way to bring your family and friends together.

Teach them about nutrition and talk about your problems.

  1. Chewing Gum

Overeating tends to become a habit.

The best way to get rid of a habit is to replace it with a healthier one.

Stop snacking and start chewing gum. Here is a list of the best sugar-free gums from Style Craze.

Chewing gum can actually be healthy.

It helps remove plaque from your teeth. Just make sure not to swallow gum. And don’t think of it as a substitute for brushing your teeth.

Brushing your teeth frequently is another way to avoid eating.

Toothpaste doesn’t pair well with anything.

  1. Seek Help

Overeating can turn into a serious condition.

There is no shame in seeking out help. Consult a nutritionist. Ask what healthy foods you can eat instead.

Talk to a therapist or psychologist. There is a reason you’re overeating. Those reasons are often psychological.

Therapy will help you discover the roots of your problems. Maybe there is something else that needs to be addressed. Overeating could just be a symptom of a bigger problem.

There is no shame in seeking help.


Overeating doesn’t have to destroy your life. You can take control of your health. Your diet is in your hands.