5 Signs You Need To See A Doctor For Your Sports Injury

When it comes to sports injuries, you might think you know the difference between a minor problem and something that requires a doctor’s attention. But what if you’re wrong? There are some things that could be signs of a serious injury, and others that could just mean it’s time for an adjustment in your workout routine. 

If you’re an athlete, there’s always a chance that your body will get injured. These injuries can range from mild to severe and can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. While some injuries heal with time and rest, others require more intensive treatment. 

If you have a sports injury and are wondering whether or not it’s serious enough to seek professional help, here are some signs to watch out for:

You can’t put pressure on the joint.

This is one of the most common signs of a sports injury. If you’re injured and trying to play through it, it’s likely that you’re going to end up injuring yourself more. 

So if you try to walk or do anything else with a sprained ankle, for example, and it hurts too much, stop doing it! 

If you can’t put pressure on the joint, it might be broken. If you can’t put pressure on the joint, it could be dislocated. If you can’t put pressure on the joint and it hurts to move your arm or leg, it could be sprained.

You can’t straighten or bend the joint completely.

If you can’t straighten or bend the joint completely, it could be a sign that you have a sprain or strain. While you may be able to move the joint through its full range of motion, doing so may cause pain. If this happens, you should see a doctor to make sure nothing is broken.

The pain is severe.

Pain is a sign that something is wrong. It’s a warning sign of an injury, which will heal on its own if you rest and recover from the injury.

If you’re experiencing severe pain, it could mean that you have an injury that needs to be evaluated by a doctor. The pain may be radiating down your leg or affecting other parts of your body. 

Pain can be a sign of an underlying medical condition like arthritis or heart disease. When you see your doctor for treatment for your sports-related pain, she’ll assess whether there are any other health issues at play.

The injured body part looks deformed or misshapen.

If you’ve injured a limb, it’s possible that the injury may have caused it to become deformed or misshapen. In order to see if this is the case, you’ll want to look at your injured limb and see if it looks different from how it normally does.


For example, if you’ve sprained your ankle, it might be swollen or discolored compared to how it normally looks. If this is the case, then you should seek medical attention right away because this could be a sign of further damage to the area.

The pain is getting worse.

Pain is a sign that something is wrong. The pain is a warning signal, which means it’s time to get checked out by a professional. 

A sports injury may be the reason for your pain, but it could also be caused by things like inflammation or an infection. These are serious conditions that require immediate treatment from a doctor.

Your injury might need professional help to heal properly

If you’re experiencing a sports-related injury, it’s best to get some professional help. A doctor can help make sure that your injury heals properly and doesn’t turn into something more serious. 

Even if you’ve waited a few weeks or months before visiting a doctor, it’s still important to go as soon as possible. If the problem is not resolved quickly and correctly, it could have long-term effects on your body.

It may seem like going to the hospital is expensive or inconvenient—after all, who wants to go through all this trouble just so they can heal quickly? However, doctors are trained professionals who know what they’re doing; they’ll do everything in their power to make sure your injury heals properly without causing even more damage! Also remember: getting injured while playing sports is never fun!

Now What?

So, you’ve been injured. Now what? Hopefully, this article has given you some insight into how to tell if your injury is serious enough to warrant a visit from a doctor, medical professional or sports injury center

If you have any doubts about whether your sports injury is severe enough for professional treatment, don’t hesitate to reach out for more information. A doctor can help clarify if there’s anything that needs attention immediately—and if not now, then until when can you endure?