5 Reasons Why You Should Be in Love with Pashmina Shawls

5 Reasons Why You Should Be in Love with Pashmina Shawls

Do you know that Pashmina is considered as one of the most expensive fabrics? Whether it is the famous fashion designer or a member of the royal family; you can often see experimenting with Pashmina Shawls. If you don’t own one, then it is the right time to add some glory to your closet as well. The saga of Pashmina was started in the valley of Kashmir, India which is adorned by all over the world.


To get the refined lavishness of this exquisite material, centuries of experiment, hard work, and dedication are needed. There are so many reasons people love this Pashmina fabric. If you want to know the reason behind this popularity of the Pashmina Shawls, then check out the following section of the write-up.


  1. Symbol of Aristocracy:
    Since ages, Pashmina is considered as the royal fabric. You can find the reference of Pashmina Shawl in ancient literature also. It was one of the favorite clothing items of the royal members. Till now, Pashmina is the symbol of a lavish and luxurious lifestyle. We can often see Hollywood celebrities donning the Cashmere Scarves. It has become a fashion statement for the celebrity.


  1. Labor of Love:
    Do you know one of the reasons for the expensiveness of Pashmina Shawls is the challenges people face to collect the wool? The Pashmina wool is made from the undercoat of the Changthangi goats that reside higher plateau of the Himalayan region in Ladakh, Kashmir. During winter, the temperature goes down to -40° C, and to protect themselves, the goats develop an undercoat that they shed in spring. To spin the wool, they have to collect the hair by combing. Then the raw Pashmina fibers are separated by removing the impurities. The artisans then hand-spin this delicate fiber to make the wool.   


  1. Handmade Love:
    Original Pashmina is made completely without any help from the machines. From spinning to weaving, everything is done with the help of the hand. The experienced hands of the craftsmen spin the wool with the help of the wheel. The fabric is so delicate that the machine spinning can tear it. With utmost care and love, they hand weave the Pashmina shawls, scarves, and throws. The art of weaving is running from generation to generation and the artisans follow their tradition till now.


  1. Warm and Comfortable:
    It is not the production process only, the warmth you will get after wearing the Pashmina shawl is unmatchable. Moreover, the fabric is so light that you don’t feel heavy just the way you do after wearing those bulky sweaters. The breathable fabric makes it a great option for the summer season as well. The texture is so soft and light that you will not feel any discomfort.


  1. Styles and variety:
    Pashmina scarves and shawls are available in a range of varieties. From traditional monochrome to gorgeous embroidery, there are so many options you can find in the stores. Some designers are working on to add some contemporary touch by introducing pompom or sheer Pashmina as well. You can also have them according to the color of the dresses you want to wear.