5 Reasons to Use Video as a Robust Marketing Tool on Instagram

Instagram is the second largest social media platform on the Internet. And with its rapid growth, almost a billion individuals are now using the platform to proceed forward with their brand messaging.
Today, half a million businesses across the globe are using Instagram as a powerful tool to market their products & services. And with such great numbers, it’s highly likely that your competitors are also making their way through and through.
Gone are the days when a sweet social media post with a classy banner would land you a sale! Now, people’s audiovisual senses have become sharper. Their brain cells require more than just classy words or vibrant static graphics to feel convinced.
Introducing videos!
As Hubspot Marketing states,
Video marketing is a robust marketing tool and it’s going to take the lion’s share in the coming years.
The notion has proved itself to be truthful because today, more than 90% of the global audience prefer to watch videos.
Are you one such brand leveraging social media platforms such as Instagram to place your business in front of your target audience? If you’re not convinced why you should invest in videos on Instagram, here’s an article to help you clarify its benefits.
Without further ado, let’s read about them.
Instagram is the Hotspot for Marketing
A couple of years back, Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg revealed that 20% of the audience visiting Instagram spend their time in the Explore section of the platform. Fast forward to today, these numbers have significantly grown from a mere quarter to half. With such numbers, it is pretty evident that people love to spend time on Instagram, and where there’s people, there’s always a chance of getting them hooked and making them compelled to make a purchase.
As they say, a photo speaks a 1000 words, then a video speaks an entire chapter. Without a doubt, videos offer more than just a mix of marketing words to convince your audience.
It goes far beyond that. With video, you can convey your brand message using the right tone triggering all the emotions in your audience. You can tell brand stories in a much more compelling way.
You can share internal insights on how things workout behind the scene.
Consumers Dig Video Marketing on Instagram
If there’s one audience type that’s more connected through the Internet, it’s none other but Generation-Zers. Here’s an audience that grew up watching platforms such as YouTube & DailyMotion.
Whether they felt like they wanted to be educated or they wanted entertainment, they preferred YouTube.
So just in case, if you’re working with a product that’s supposed to appeal to Generation Zers, you need to break that ice with them on social media platforms such as Instagram using videos.
If that’s not convincing enough, 50% of attendees in a survey claimed that they will fail to function in their daily lives if they don’t watch YouTube videos. The data was collected from a survey on YouTube.
It all explains why people nowadays are so hooked on making videos on TikTok and similar platforms.
Social Videos Can Reach Audience Across Multiple Platforms
Although, creating a video can take a great amount of your precious time and investment in comparison to creating a banner and a caption, in the long run, it can reward you in multiple ways.
For instance, let’s say you opt-in to get an animated video production done for your brand. Whether you want to promote your brand, product or service, this video won’t easily die away unlike a post or a banner.
Once shared, it will create a domino effect.
Your video will start appearing on multiple platforms and in multiple locations. Before you know it, you will become the talk of the Internet. Some platforms get a highly massive exposure bringing leads generously.
Who knows what might work well with your audience type or even on a massively global level.
Get Personal with Your Target Market
If your business has somehow survived the pandemic outbreak, then you know how making your customers feel personal is significant above everything else. Brands have grown from being just a brand to something more. They are not all about selling their products but are now investing in humanizing.
As long as your brand has a human emotional factor, it’s getting exposure among different users. Those who are capitalizing on this opportunity are observing some remarkable feats in winning customers.
Why is it working?
Well, it’s because when you get personal with your target audience, you create a deeper connection. In the time of this great peril where lives are lost, making your target audience feel special is all they want.
To show some care, making investments on humanizing brands isn’t a bad choice after all.
Instagram is a Powerful Sales Tool
Last but certainly not the least, Instagram can be a powerful sales tool. Not only is the platform great to attract an audience, but at the same time, it can help them feel convinced that you’re the right place to make the purchase.
More than 93% of the audience using the Internet claims they found themselves dealing with a new customer all thanks to social media. It’s because platforms like Instagram and Facebook showcase a dynamic way to reach out to an audience.
Today, Instagram is now offering shoppable videos.
Concluding Thoughts
If you’re not working on your video marketing strategy as a brand, then there’s no time then now to reconsider. Take a simplistic approach and leverage your unique selling proposition.
Pen down your most authentic concepts on paper and then transform it into a video.
It’s totally okay, if you don’t know how to do it. Who says you need someone else to do it for you. Hire a professional video editor or an animation studio to help you out.
Until next time, cheers.