5 Quick And Effective Ways To Get Relief From Anxiety

Statistics on anxiety disorders show that they are common around the world. The World Health Organization reported a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, which is worrying. It might start with something that sets you off. And before you know it, you’re stuck in an endless loop of intrusive thoughts, pondering all the things that could go wrong. The muscles in your body might tighten, your breathing becomes rapid, and you can hear the pounding of your heart. In times of anxiety, you need to calm yourself down.
Anxiety disorders can include anything from excessive worrying that you can’t control to panic attacks that trigger heart palpitations, trembling, shaking, and sweating. Whatever level of anxiety you experience, there are steps you can take to calm yourself down and soothe yourself immediately. Therefore, this post will provide you with five quick and effective ways to get relief from anxiety. So, let’s dive in.
Using Kratom
Kratom is a leafy herbal remedy that seems familiar to many as a self-treatment for various health problems. It’s a tropical tree indigenous to South Asia. You can get its leaves or extract from its leaves in multiple forms, like tablets or drinks. It might treat various conditions, such as anxiety and depression.
Those with pain and anxiety turn to canadian kratom vendors to get relief because of its natural relief properties. Since actual opioids can become a problem quickly, it’s no wonder many refer to this herb as a natural opioid. Mitragynine is the secret ingredient here. In small doses, it has energizing effects, and larger ones may cause sedation. It relieves pain as an opioid receptor agonist; hence, it has antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties.
A 2017 review showed that kratom could enhance mood and relieve anxiety among some users. According to the review, an older study showed that corticosterone (in humans, this is cortisol) levels in mice had decreased. According to the same research, kratom may also have sedative effects.
Being Active
Regular exercise isn’t just good for your physical health – it can also help your mental health. In 2013, researchers found that those with anxiety disorders who exercised frequently had better protection from developing anxiety symptoms. There could be many reasons for this. A major one is that exercise can distract you from anxiety-inducing situations.
Regular exercise can improve concentration and willpower, which can help specific anxiety symptoms. Regarding what type of exercise to do, that’s your preference. You might consider workouts such as HIIT — high-intensity interval training and running that can raise your heart rate significantly.
You may benefit just as much from exercises like Pilates and yoga if you prefer something with a little less impact.
Recognizing Your Triggers
It would help to keep a diary for this purpose. Write down the events that caused your nervousness. By identifying what is out of your control, you can concentrate on the things you can control. You might note down your anxiety triggers when socializing with a particular individual. After that, you might focus on these questions:
- Why do you feel anxious about the situation?
- What will others think of you?
- Will you judge them?
- Would it matter if they criticize you?
- Will you feel less anxious if you prepare for that interaction?
Answering these questions will help you feel in control of your perceptions of the future threat that can trigger anxiety.
Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive therapy aims to alter thoughts and beliefs associated with anxiety that trigger it. For example, someone with social anxiety may worsen their anxiety by thinking that everyone thinks they’re boring.
Cognitive therapy starts with the idea that beliefs cause thoughts, which then cause feelings and leads to behaviors. For example, suppose you feel worthwhile only if everyone likes you. It is possible to believe that somebody dislikes you if they turn away from you in the middle of a conversation, which might make you feel anxious.
A cognitive therapy strategy involves rational self-talk, reality testing, attention training, mental challenges, and cognitive restructuring. In this process, you will monitor your self-talk, challenge unhelpful fears and beliefs, and test out the validity of negative thoughts.
Distracting Yourself
You might need to find a temporary distraction if nothing seems to work to distract you from your anxious thoughts. If, for instance, you are lying in bed, wide awake and obsessed with what tomorrow holds, and other techniques don’t seem to work, get up, go to another room, and find something that will distract you. Focusing on something that gives you great satisfaction can help you break free from anxious thoughts until you can tackle those thoughts again.
Distractions vary from person to person, however. It’s good to find something mindless, relaxing, or enjoyable to get your mind off of your thoughts. You might find that cleaning your house or doing the dishes can be a pleasant distraction. Besides making you feel active, it requires some focus, but it keeps you from just sitting and worrying. It would help to select an activity that will divert your attention away from the cause of your anxiety.
Based on the World Health Organization’s data, more people are becoming anxious worldwide. It might lead to undesirable feelings that might affect your health and wellness. Therefore, it would help to consider the above remedies to relieve your anxiety.