5 Methods to Deploy and Integrate your ERP

5 Methods to Deploy and Integrate your ERP

Optimal management of information and internal processes, increased productivity and reduced costs, this is what ERP or integrated management software packages promise. Nevertheless, for the use of this solution to be a success for your company, the deployment phase must be done in a methodical way.

You have chosen your ERP and your  ERP integrator, but you are unsure about the method to adopt to deploy it? Discover the 5 reference methods for a smooth integration.

1. Phased deployment with the help of an ERP integrator

The deployment of an ERP can be done in two ways: either by phase, or globally. Phased implementation consists of carrying out the integration of the management software in a progressive manner. There are two ways to do this type of implementation, depending on whether the deployment is by site or by feature.

Method 1: The per-site deployment strategy

This method is recommended if your company has multiple sites. It consists in starting the deployment of the ERP software like as (Dynamics 365)on a “pilot site” before gradually continuing on the other units.

Although it can be time-consuming, it allows you to secure the ERP integration process. You will indeed have time to validate it before moving on to other sites. You will also benefit from the experience gained with the first deployment and will be more efficient for the following ones.

Method 2: ERP deployment in functional batches

The ERP integrator can also accompany you to implement the functionalities of your software gradually. The advantage is that your team takes the time to discover and master one feature before moving on to another. This method thus allows a better appropriation of the tool by your collaborators. The integrator will help you identify the functional batches to operate according to your needs.

2. Global deployment, for rapid integration of the management software

As we said, it is also possible for you to carry out a global deployment of your ERP. This amounts to integrating management solutions at the same time, at the level of all sites or all business lines. If you choose this option, three methods are available to you.

Method 3: The Big Bang Method

The so-called “Big Bang” strategy consists in deploying the ERP solution over a well-defined period, during a day or during the week for example.

This method is beneficial because it allows for quick set-up. You can then get a return on investment faster. However, the ERP integrator plays a major role in training your team and making it functional at the time of deployment.

Method 4: The hybrid ERP integration strategy

The hybrid method combines different methods for setting up your ERP software. For example, you can set up several functionalities at the same time, and add others as you go along.

The principle is to deploy your management software package with the methodology that is adapted to you according to the context, the needs or the specificities of your company. Your ERP integrator will assist you in this case to develop an appropriate and tailor-made method.

Method 5: Parallel deployment

The idea of ​​this last method is as follows. For a time, your team will use both the new ERP software just like Business Central and your old system. This is why we talk about parallel adoption for this method. It is particularly suitable for projects deemed critical. Thus, in the event of problems with the ERP solution of your choice, you will always have the possibility of switching to the old system. However, ERP integration should allow you to avoid such situations. Indeed, the ERP integrator is able to guide you and help you customize the solution and solve potential problems.

Do you have a very specific question about the deployment of your future ERP? Like, the most suitable method to adopt a Cloud ERP or an Industry ERP ? Our experts will be happy to answer all your questions, so do not hesitate to contact us Dynamics Square!

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