5 Easy Ways to Reduce Cholesterol Naturally

Available in your blood, cholesterol is a leathery substance. It is highly beneficial for your body, as it facilitates your body in the formation of hormones, vitamins, and substances that boost the digestive system. Usually, it is a kind of particular organic molecule. It is a kind of lipid or a sterol. In general, it is good for you. However, its higher level or high cholesterol is bad for your health. You can track your cholesterol level through a full body checkup, thyroid test in Greater Noida, or a heart checkup containing lipid profile. After knowing the level, you should work to reduce cholesterol. Most of you will love to lower your high cholesterol naturally. Here are some steps for your support:
Keep a distance from trans fats
Trans fats trigger unhealthy cholesterol, high cholesterol. Such fats are available in certain foods like milk products and meat. Further, they come to food items through the processes involved in their processing. Companies engaged in food processing and packaging build trans fats by combining hydrogen and specific fats to produce a solid form. Some significant sources of trans fats are as follows:
- Dairy products
- Fried foods
- Meat or meat products
- Packaged hydrogenated oils
Limit the food items rich in saturated fats
Generally, saturated fats have a solid form at room temperatures. Their intake in a large quantity may not be good for your health. It might lead you to have a higher level of LDL cholesterol. The American Heart Association suggests that 5 to 6 % of daily calories is ideal for a normal person. Saturated fats are available in dairy products (cheese, butter, and milk) and palm & coconut oils.
Increase the amount of plant-based foods in your diet
To reduce cholesterol, especially bad/higher ones, you should include plant-based food items in your diet. These food items can be fruits, vegetables, grains, and seeds. With the inclusion of a wide range of plant-based foods, you will be sure of having more nutrients and vitamins that are better for your body’s function. Plant-based foods consist of the nutrients such as antioxidants and fibre that may lower your risks associated with heart problems.
Be highly active in your daily life
Some exercises can help you a lot to lower the level of high cholesterol. With moderate physical activity, you can increase your HDL cholesterol, the good one. A 30-minute exercise session for at least five days of a week or aerobic exercises of high intensity for 20 minutes a day and 3 times a week is good for you. You should consider:
Taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes every morning if you can’t perform workouts of higher intensity:
- Riding your bicycle to your workplace
- Taking stairs instead of lifts or accelerators
- Playing your favourite games or sports
Quit smoking
Smoking is a silent killer and it gradually triggers bad cholesterol, LDL, and improves HDL cholesterol. Within 20 minutes of quitting smoking, there is a significant decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, which is higher at the time of smoking. Your lung function and blood circulation gets improved within three months. Further, your risk of heart issues is half after one year of smoking quit.
Take away
Reducing cholesterol is an easy task for you if you are serious about your overall health. You just need to act only on what you decide or your doctor advises you to lower your cholesterol. From having a balanced diet, excluding trans fats to lowering saturated fats, and being physically active, the above-mentioned steps are enough for you. In addition, you can limit your intake of alcoholic beverages and maintain weight.