5 Carpet Cleaning Tips for Homemakers to Get Rid of Stains

5 Carpet Cleaning Tips for Homemakers to Get Rid of Stains

Carpets are a fabulous and versatile solution to provide a stunning look to house flooring. Almost every house considers carpet, as it is the best way to match the flooring with the house interior.  It also protects the solid floor surface from damage. In summers, carpet gives a soft feeling to feet, while warmth during winters.


Despite so many uses, keeping the carpet clean and dirt-free is a bit of a challenge. Therefore, the rug needs maintenance regularly. No matter how careful you are, some spills always happen, creating stains. It may be tea or coffee, pet urine, bleach, or any other marks; carpet loses its originality. Many people opt for professional carpet cleaners in Canterbury to take care of their carpets.


But, the first step is to understand the type of fiber used in carpet. It is crucial to know your carpet material as different material has different functionality. There are numerous types of fiber used in carpets, but the most common type are nylon, polypropylene, wool, and acrylic.


Let’s talk about the 5 carpet cleaning tips for homemakers to get rid of stains:


  1. Dust and dirt: It is essential to vacuum regularly to keep dust and dirt away. Twice a week is an excellent way to maintain carpet freshness. Yes, indeed, the carpet will not get clean only through a vacuum, but it will benefit further cleaning.


  1. Crumbs, pet hair, fluffing, etc.: This kind of problem occur when there is a child or any pet in a house. Pet hairs stick to fabric and can not be removed by just vacuum cleaning.


It requires more proficient tools.


  • Lint remover: It is a roll of one-sided adhesive paper on a cardboard or plastic barrel mounted on a central spindle. It removes crumbs and small hairs that get stick to the fabric.


  • Squilgee: Squilgee is not just used for window cleaning; its design is such that it can dislodge grime and gun. It’s also very effective in removing tumbleweed-style balls of hairs from the rug. Without this tool, it is challenging to remove this kind of stuff.


  1. Stains: This is the most common problem in a house, unintentionally spills always occur, and the carpet has to pay the price.


  • Water-based stains: it includes stains based on soda, liquor, juices, milk, ink, mud, paint.


  • Oil-based: it includes cooking oils, glues, polishes, makeup, etc.


  • Pet stains


  • other types of pigments like coffee, tea, dyes, etc.


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To remove stains:


  • Use a mixture of water and vinegar in 4:1, apply on the spot, and leave for about 5 minutes. Put a cloth on it and press with a heated iron. The stain will get transferred from carpet spot to cloth.


  • Dishwashing Detergent with lukewarm water can also be effective.


  • The home-based carpet cleaner is another effective method to remove stains


Use one-fourth cup of white vinegar + three-fourth cup of hydrogenperoxide+  four drops of ethereal oil + 2 to 3 spoon of dish soap + little fabric softener + 2 to 3 liters of warm water.


  • Nail polish stains can be eliminated by rubbing alcohol on the spot.


  • Carpets that are light in colors like white or begie or grey gets dust patches quickly, can be treated by shaving cream foam


  1. Gum on the carpet: Children usually stick gum to anywhere, and carpet is the best choice for them. As the dries, it sticks more to carpet fabric.


Removing dried gum is a bit of a challenge; it can be done by placing ice cube for one or two minutes, then scrape out the gum with a knife or spoon.


  1. The stain from grease is even more challenging and can not be eliminated easily. Using the above method may not be effective in this case, as there are more oil and fat to break down. Take small amount of corn starch and scatter in a spot; let it stay for some time; it will soak fat and oil from stain. Apply the above tricks; grease stain will effortlessly vanish.




In deduction, carpets are the basic necessity for houses, not only for decoration but also for excellent use. It is costly; therefore, one cannot replace it easily. However, if proper care is taken, rugs can be used for years. Regular vacuum and adequate cleaning are very vital for its freshness and texture.


Author Bio:


Kelly Gale is a seasoned professional cleaner associated with 365 Cleaners. Kelly brings in years of experience to 365 cleaners in terms of –  End of lease cleaning, bond cleaning and carpet cleaning. She has been responsible for making 365 cleaners the best Carpet steam cleaning Canterbury. Kelly loves travelling and in her free time enjoys writing and reading.