16 Essential Graphic Design Skills Each Designer Should Have

16 Essential Graphic Design Skills Each Designer Should Have

Do you want to get involved in the artistic side of graphic design? Are you dreaming of a day you can call yourself a graphic designer, or have you been looking for UAE graphic designer jobs

There are many skills required to do the job right. Which skills would you say are essential in the field of graphic design?

To provide a practical answer to this question, we’ve created this blog on the essential graphic design skills that would help each graphic design outstand. 

16 Graphic Design Skills Each Designer:


Creativity is one of the essential skills that designers should have. Without it, getting inspiration for designs would be impossible; the designer would not know how to start or what direction to take the design. 

Creativity is also essential because it helps the designer go beyond the routine. Designers who can’t think outside the box always have issues creating new designs and keeping customers interested.

It also allows designers to think more about the people who will use their products and services and what they might want. 

This makes it easier for designers to connect with their customers and help their businesses thrive.


Another skill that designers need is typography skills. This means they must know how to use different typefaces on designs and which typefaces work best for specific designs. 

Typography is essential because it helps add life to a design and makes it look more attractive.

Imagination and Visualization

You must be able to visualize what you’re designing before drawing anything on a piece of paper or opening Photoshop. Imagination is essential because you need to be able to imagine what you’re designing will look like in real life. If you can’t picture it in your head, chances are high that whatever you’re designing will fail to satisfy your expectations when it’s built or seen by people.

Read More: How Much Should Your Logo Design Cost in 2022?

Color Theory

Visualization is also related to color theory, not just because you need a good imagination to make sure what you’re designing looks good no matter how many colors it uses, but because color theory gives guidelines for good visual design. You can use color theory directly when picking colors for the design or indirectly by ensuring your design doesn’t violate any of the rules of good color combinations.

One way to improve your visualizing ability is through color theory. 

By studying the properties of different colors and understanding how they interact, you can learn how to choose colors for your projects that will make your designs more pleasing to the eye. 

You can also learn how to pair colors together in an appealing way so that you’ll never end up with a jarring interface or site that hurts your visitors. 


There is no doubt that photography is an art, but it’s also a skill that anyone can master. The ability to capture a moment in full color and clarity is the foundation of many design projects, whether a flyer for a party or a brochure for a new restaurant. 

Good photography can make a feeble idea appealing, whereas poor photos can ruin even the best concepts.

Layout and composition

The same can be said for layout and composition. With these two elements, we see the actual artistry come into play.

A simple idea can be elevated with careful attention to layout and composition, turning a simple photo album into a beautiful work of art.

Photography, layout, and composition are so important for designers because they allow them to take information from many mediums (text, photos, illustrations) and present them in a way that makes sense.

Client-Facing Skills

Good communication is key to any successful design job. If you’re in a design role that requires frequent client contact, it’s essential to be able to listen well, ask questions and respond thoughtfully to what your clients say.

You must also understand how your work impacts the client’s bottom line—their main goals, target demographic, and budget are all things you’ll need to keep in mind when working with them.

If you want to be a designer, then you need to be able to communicate with people. You need to understand their needs and help them solve problems.

It doesn’t matter if you’re working as an in-house designer for a large company or a freelancer; your clients will always have questions you can only answer.


Designers skilled in Photoshop can manipulate imagery in any way they like without being limited by the photograph itself—they can make a building seem bigger or smaller than it is or give it a sleek new coating. This flexibility empowers designers to create cohesive visual identities and powerful brands that help companies stand out in their fields or industries when applied to logos or other branding elements.

Branding and Identity

Developing strong branding and identity is another essential skill for any designer. Whether working on a company’s branding or logo design or creating an identity system for a website or application, this work requires creativity and technical knowledge. 

Understanding your client’s needs and providing solutions that meet those needs is also critical in this type of work.

Software Proficiency 

A designer with various software programs at their disposal can work more efficiently and create designs that can be used across a broader range of platforms. 

If you know how to use Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and Microsoft Office, you can produce print or digital documents that can be used as website layouts, advertisements, or on mugs, cards, and t-shirts. 

It’s important to note that just because you have these programs in your toolbox doesn’t mean you should use them—if you’re designing a brochure for toddlers and know they aren’t going to be able to read it without the help of their parents, don’t get too distracted by the cool effects that Photoshop makes available.

Print Knowledge

It’s easy for designers to get caught up in the digital world — but it’s important not to forget about print design! 

Print is still essential to any designer’s toolkit, especially when creating corporate collateral or other marketing materials (like brochures or business cards).

Digital Painting 

Digital painting is becoming increasingly popular as an artistic medium, so designers must know how to use it effectively in their work— especially if they want to create art for display on screens such as websites or mobile apps. 

It can be used to create illustrations or even entire scenes that look like photographs.


The ability to code web pages, websites, and apps directly impact your work quality. It allows you to improve the user experience of your designs by testing them with real users.

It also makes it possible to build prototypes quickly and efficiently so that you can share them with stakeholders.

If you are a designer who works with developers, knowing how to code helps you communicate with them. This is especially true if they are working on your design in HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

Animation Skills

Animation has been on the rise in recent years due to the rise of GIFs and video content on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. It is also used more often in web design and marketing materials because it can make things more appealing and engaging for users. 

It is an essential skill for designers because it allows them to create animations for companies or individuals who want their brand’s message delivered through an animated video or GIF file instead of plain text or images alone.

Interpersonal Skills

Good interpersonal skills can help you be a better team member, collaborator, and leader. You’ll need to communicate with clients, developers, and other team members about your work and vision for the project. 

And if you’re working remotely or in a distributed team setting, you must have strong communication skills so you don’t lose touch with colleagues or clients over time.

Presentation Skills

The ability to present your design project in front of an audience is essential for designers who want to grow within their company or even become managers themselves one day. 

Designers who can show their work in public are likelier to be promoted than those who don’t speak up in meetings or give presentations at conferences.

But if you don’t feel comfortable presenting your work in front of others yet, don’t worry! You can always practice by giving short talks at meetups or organizing workshops for other designers at your company.

Quick Fact, 

A Graphic Designer in the United Arab Emirates normally earns roughly 12,300 AED per month. Salaries range from 5,670 AED (the lowest) to 19,600 AED (the highest).

So, wrapped up, by improving your graphic design skills, you can compete more effectively, earn more opportunities and increase your earnings as a designer, and who knows you might be the top candidate for many graphic designer jobs in Dubai
