05 Fiverr SEO Tips You Must Know

05 Fiverr SEO Tips You Must Know


Fiverr is a great place to find freelance work. It’s also a great place for people who are looking for SEO content creation services, as well as bloggers and vloggers looking for new ways to increase traffic on their sites. If you’re thinking about hiring someone from Fiverr to write an article or create an infographic, here are five things you should know before doing so:

Be Clear About What You Want From A Freelancer

You should be clear about what you want from a freelancer. If they don’t offer the services that match your needs, it’s okay to move on and find someone else.

Before ordering any gig, ask questions and research the skills of each freelancer before assigning them to your project. This way, you’ll have more options when deciding who will work on yours!

It’s also good practice to create a brief describing your ideal gig: What kind of content do we need? How much time does it take? Do we want someone with specific skills (like writing) or just general knowledge in SEO/SEM?

Ask Questions And Research Before Ordering

The best way to get the most out of your Fiverr order is to ask questions before you place it.

  • Ask about the freelancer’s experience. If they have only done one job, that’s not a good sign. It means that they haven’t been around for long and their skills aren’t as good as those who have been doing this longer.
  • Ask about pricing and delivery time. There are several options available when hiring a freelancer but if you’re looking for something specific then make sure that these details are covered in your contract (or at least discussed). You don’t want to pay more than necessary just because someone doesn’t tell you upfront!
  • Ask about communication: how often will they contact me with updates or changes? Is there any expectation between us regarding payment dates etc., etc., etc..

Beware Of Low Quality Level 2 Gigs

  • Low quality level 2 gigs should be avoided at all costs. These are the lowest level of gigs on Fiverr and they’re usually very hard to do well, if not impossible. They also require a lot of time and effort that could be better spent elsewhere. If you choose one of these gigs, don’t expect much in return because it won’t be worth your time or money!

Create A Brief Describing Your Ideal Gig

  • Create a brief describing your ideal gig.
  • Be clear about what you want, ask questions and research before ordering.
  • Beware of low quality level 2 gigs that are not detailed enough for the customer to understand exactly what they’re getting themselves into.

Be clear about what you want, ask questions, research before ordering and beware of low quality level 2 gigs.

The most important thing to remember when working with freelancers is that they can’t do the job for you. Sure, they might have some great ideas and suggestions, but they’re not going to do it all for you. You need to be clear about what you want and how much time or money it will take before hiring a freelancer.

For example: if I’m looking for an article written by someone who can write in English (which I’m not), then I need someone who knows how to write in English well enough so that my readers can understand what’s being said without having any problems understanding it themselves (i.e., no grammar mistakes). If this person doesn’t know much about SEO or any other aspect of web marketing other than maybe link building techniques…then there’s probably something wrong with their work ethic as well!


I hope these Fiverr SEO tips will help you get the best out of your gig orders. I know it’s hard when trying to make money on Fiverr, but you could try doing some reposting or promoting other people’s gigs!